$100k Case Study Update #3 – The Reveal

If you’ve been fο»Ώο»Ώolο»Ώο»Ώlowing along, we’re making headway towards our $100,000 goal with this site, and are happy with the progress we’ve made up to this point.

Going into the 3rd month means that there wasn’t a ton of work that was actually performed on the site that we’re using for the case study, but we did get quite a bit done in other areas.

The site, itself, is already built, filled with content, and optimized to rank for the keywords that we want to rank for and funnel visitors to the pages on the site we want them to end up at.

February Was Fun...

This month, though, we spent quite a bit of time laying the foundation for our site to start bringing in traffic, links, and solidify our rankings as the site grows.

Any time you want to get a site up and running, there are basic links you need to build.

We got them built, and created all of our social profiles, published web 2.0 posts with backlinks, and began our initial outreach campaign, landing a few guest post spots on other blogs.

referring pages

Referring Domains/Pages

Then, to make sure we stand out in the search results and eyeballs land on our site’s listing instead of our competition’s listing, we implemented Schema.org markup.

Schema markup

Putting Schema.org to work

As it stands right now, every post and page on the site has been indexed, and we’re currently ranking for more than 100 different keywords. Pretty impressive for a site that’s less than 3 months old, right?

domain strength

Domain Strength

The search engines are showing us love, ranking 17 of those 100+ keywords on the 2nd or 3rd page of the search results. As time goes on, we should have a fairly easy time pushing those up to the top of the 1st page.

ranking keywords

We're ranking for a solid # of keywords already

referring domains

A lot of strong referring domains are pointing to the homepage with branded/URL anchors

Moving forward, we’re going to need to scale our link building efforts.

Time To Scale Our Efforts

To accomplish that, we’re going to be running on creating the content to build out a second silo on the site, and start pushing for more links through our outreach efforts.

If you haven’t already subscribed to receive our latest emails, now is the time.

By subscribing, you’re not only going to get to follow along with the progress of the site -- and see it for yourself -- but you’ll also be entered to win one of our Premium packages if we fail to hit the goals we’ve made.

Stay tuned as the site grows, and we work closer towards that goal!

18 thoughts on “$100k Case Study Update #3 – The Reveal”

  1. Really nice looking site. Are those huge buyer guides the typical type of content you provide with your sites for sale?

  2. Great job so far, guys! How did you manage to implement schema.org, by plugin or some custom work was involved?

  3. Hi Velin,

    thanks for stopping by and for your kind words. Schema was implemented by a custom json-ld code. We only use essential plugins in our stack (4 of them) ;).

  4. Hi Brian,


    It depends on the niche/product line. Sometimes we’ll break it down to 2-4 buying guides, and sometimes we’ll bomb everything into one huge resource (if it makes sense).

  5. Hi, enjoying these articles about this site. For interest, your last reply mentioned just 4 plugins – what are these essential 4? Even though I don’t like many plugins but 4 is certainly very lean!

  6. Hi Andrew,

    Congrats on your initial success so far.

    You must be very confident in your skills. You picked up a very competitive niche and now you reveal the site.

    You’ll definitely make it.

    Btw, do you know any free or affordable SERP tracking tool for beginner. I think I can’t afford AHREF like yours.

    Thank you

  7. Thanks, Rocky. It’s definitely going to be a challenge, but that’s the only way I can keep myself motivated ;).

    Try SERPS.com

  8. Hi Alison,

    yah, we like to keep our sites clean and fast.

    That said, here’s our stack:
    – Yoast SEO (only for meta descriptions, titles and xml sitemap)
    – Thrive Content Builder
    – Geni.us
    – WP-Optimize

    – Thrive Leads
    – WP Super Cache
    – Akismet
    – UpDraftPlus

  9. Wow, your site is great nice and clean … I think at the end of the year will pass the $ 100k in abundance. Compliments.

  10. Thanks, Anthony!

    I have big plans for this site. We’re definitely on the right track!

  11. Nice site. Just had a look at the link profile, that’s a lot of links, more than I was expecting to see for a site 3 months old. Would you normally build links at this rate? Every other IM blog seems to push exercising more caution initially. Also how much of the budget have these links used?

  12. Thanks, Johnny.

    Social profiles + press release + web2.0s + guest posts. It’s a natural progress and shouldn’t raise any suspicion at all. We have our own way of doing things and I don’t really like following the herd, I test everything on my own.

  13. Fair enough Andrew. I’ve only ever used press release services in the UK for clients. For niche sites in the US who do you use/recommend? Many thanks.

  14. It’s a great site and you have good progress so far. A good idea might be to add an exit pop-up to the site that will send every visitor to Amazon. I think it’ll help especially because Amazon cookie runs for 24 hours. You should split test it and see if it’ll help.

  15. Thanks for the tip, Mark.

    This is something I’ll consider after we start getting significant traffic. It’s all about UX and speed for now πŸ˜‰

  16. Hey Andrew,

    It’s been a while since we’ve heard back on this case study. How’s stuff going guys? When can we expect an update?

    – Sheikh Ovais

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