Jaryd Krause on buying online businesses, doing due diligence like a champ, and balancing business with mindfulness (plus a free due diligence checklist). Are you having trouble picking a niche for your business? Click the link to get 1,452 profitable niche ideas for free: https://www.brandbuilders.io/niche-list/
Early in life, Jaryd learned something: You can get what you want in life as long as you want it bad enough. And his early motivation was to make money (understandable), but he has wanted new things as he has grown older.
Jaryd is now motivated to help 1,000 people replace their income, quit their job, and live a life they love. He’s built his expertise in the realm of buying online business and he has lots to teach.
Watch the vid to hear some online-business-buying-and-building tips. And if you are looking to do an acquisition, check out the due diligence framework that Jaryd has for buying businesses. https://buyingonlinebusinesses.co/duediligenceframework. I can’t believe this resource is free, and it doesn’t even have any upsells.
Enjoy the show!
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