How to Start an Outdoor Blog: The Ultimate Guide

If you love the outdoors, starting an outdoor blog is one of the best things you can do to build a strong network, enjoy some perks, and earn a whole lot of money while you’re at it.

But can you really have a successful blog? You might even be wondering if blogging is still a thing!

Well, there are thousands of people blogging every single day and most of them are relevant reads in their own way. Understanding how to be a blogger who adds value to people’s lives can help you avoid the mistakes many make.

Before we head on to how you can start your own outdoor blog, there are few questions to consider first.

Who Can be an Outdoor Blogger?

The answer to this question is simple: Anyone can be an outdoor blogger. You need no credentials, no fancy diploma, and virtually no money to get started as a blogger. Whether you are a frequent traveler with a penchant for adventure or choose to write about it realistically while being cooped up at home saving for one, you can start a new blog without much ado.

Among people looking to start a blog based on an outdoor niche, some of the most commonly asked questions are:

All of these are certainly understandable. To help beginners get the right ideas for starting a blog, we’ve answered each question below with additional tips to help you out.

Reasons to Start an Outdoor Blog

A lot of people who have found and experienced the perks of affiliate marketing have realized how a simple act of blogging can bring in additional money and benefits as well. If you are looking for a good reason to start outdoor blogging, we have listed out a few. We’re sure at least one of them will resonate with you!

You Can Do What You Love!

woman sitting and holding cup of coffee

Every person who has ever traveled has wanted to journal their experiences. An outdoor blog will let you do exactly that. Rather than sitting in an office cubicle 45 hours a week, you can be adventurous and tell your readers about your experience!

And even if you only have plans to write rather than head out on all of these adventures, you still get to read about different people’s experiences doing something exciting and fun. However, we do suggest living what you write about for a more believable account.

All in all, what better occupation to choose than this?

You Earn through Your Hobby

If you thought there’s no way to make money blogging, you’re definitely wrong. One of the best things affiliate marketing has brought about is the chance to earn a living blogging about your life. As an outdoor blogger, you can associate with brands offering products and services for all the adventurous souls out there, and get to review them!

Whether you love to write or travel, you are in for a treat. These associations can bring in a steady flow of income, whether it is your side-hustle or a full-time commitment.

The Perks Will Follow

When you have an established blog for affiliate marketing, your associations with the various brands offering adventure gear and more can get you unfathomable perks. You’ll not only enjoy jaw-dropping discounts on the most-coveted products, but may also get them complimentary in exchange for a few kind words that audiences worldwide are bound to read.

Your blogs can also have other brands contacting you to try out their products and services to get the word across to your audience.

It’s a win-win at the end of the day.

You Will Meet Like-Minded People

As an outdoor blogger, you are bound to come across a lot more readers interested in outdoor blog posts. And if you go through your comments’ section, you may even find travelers, hikers, campers, and more.

If your intent apart from earning an income through blogging is also to meet new people, blogging is definitely a good choice. You can also get more ideas for a new blog or topics that they want to read more about. This way, you cater better to your audience while improving the engagement rate of your website, and your impression among readers.

You Can Increase Your Network

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We’ve already spoken about how you can meet more like-minded people by blogging about your outdoor experiences. Another thing you can improve is your network. The more you blog about relevant topics, the higher your chances of association with established brands and personalities.

As a blogger, you have a better chance of being among the valued customers of well-known brands. With the knowledge that you will be reviewing them on a blog post that millions may come across, big brands will go out of the way to give you some special treatment and create a long term connection with you.

You Can Save a Great Deal of Money

When you collaborate with outdoor gear-providing brands, you become one of the many people receiving free goodies to review. The discounts you are likely to enjoy is another perk that will make you fall more in love with your new-found job.

So, when you plan your next hiking trip, you may even get the entire equipment free of cost in return for your review or shout-out!

This way, you not only earn money as you post your blogs, but save money on your outdoor passion too.

You Can Enhance Your Experiences

If your experiences on outdoor adventures have been fun so far, they are sure to get more legendary when you travel as an outdoor blogger. Wonderful avenues open up when you decide to blog about your experiences, and more brands and companies love lavishing their best services for guests that can create a positive impression about them.

As an outdoor blogger, your world opens up. Yes, it’s work, but you can have enhanced experiences that would never have happened without your blog.

Ryan Cunningham’s blog Beyond the Tent is a fine example of living and loving the experience of surviving outdoors!

We’ve given you enough reasons to start blogging as an outdoor enthusiast. Now it is time to find out how to go about starting the blog.

NOTE: At BrandBuilders, we always have premade outdoor blogs for sale. Based on expert research, these sites help you skip the early stages and focus on growth. Check them out!

How to Start an Adventure Blog?

photo of assorted items on wooden table

Starting an adventure blog is easier said than done. There are a number of things you should keep in mind before you begin writing or launch your first blog post for the world to see. From thinking about your niche and coming up with relevant blog ideas to writing content that is informative and engaging, you need to think strategically if you’re going to create a successful blog.

Fortunately, we’re going to walk you through how to start an outdoor blog step by step! Here’s a guide that you can refer to.

Step 1: Choose Your Niche

Writing about the outdoors can mean almost anything! What you need to do to get your blog started is to find a specific niche and stick to it.

In the outdoor niche, you could niche down to a specific activity like camping, hiking, or whitewater rafting. You could chronicle certain natural features like waterfalls or mountains all over the world. You could just highlight all of the outdoor opportunities in a specific city or country. The possibilities are endless!

What you need to do is find a way to narrow down your options to just one narrow topic – at least when you’re first starting out. If you’re having trouble deciding, think about the intersection of your knowledge, your passion, and what would be in demand for outdoor blog readers. 

To help you identify what your niche could be, visit our post on the best niche blog ideas and see if the tips there can help you find the right outdoor niche for your new blog.

Step 2: Create Your Brand and Domain

Now that you have decided on a niche, it is vital that you find a suitable domain name. Branding is an important part of every marketing strategy, and blogging is no different. Remember, there is no dearth of bloggers out there, and certainly no shortage of outdoor bloggers. If the brand name you are thinking of is too common a term among wanderers and travelers, you are unlikely to find the domain name of your choice.

Choose a blog and domain name that gives readers the gist of what your blogs offer. Rather than going for something unheard of, play with words to come up with a name that is unique and inviting.

For example, as an outdoor blogger focusing on trekking, you could choose a domain name like trekkingmania, thetrekkingtrails, or something more personal to your name or interests. But try to have a quick catchy name of no more than two or three words – this is going to be your brand!

Step 3: Set up Your Social Media Pages

person using black iPad

Once you have your blog name finalized, it is time to set up social media accounts. Remember that the username for social media platforms should be exactly what your domain name is, whenever possible. This can help your audience identify your pages, whether blog or social media, immediately.

With people being the most active on their social media, you will have a better chance of being noticed on these platforms. These social media platforms could serve as the perfect place to post your blog excerpts as well as your travel pictures to engage more with your audience.

And when we say social media, we mean more than just Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Set up an account on Reddit, Quora, YouTube, and other such platforms where you can not only post but also comment and interact with other users.

Step 4: Find a Web Host

If setting up a free blog website is your goal, you’ll want as your blogging platform. You can also find several other websites blogging platforms that allow you to start your blogging sites for free.

However, WordPress offers you better flexibility to monetize your blogs.

Once you decide on the blogging platform, you will need to find a server that will host your blog to take it online. Opt for ones that are reliable and not likely to go down. You can also opt to change your web host at a later stage or go for an upgrade.

Step 5: Finalize the Theme

Whether you start a blog for free or pay for it, you can choose from countless WordPress themes that will form the base of your blog site. Take a look at the layout and functionality. You can also check for reviews about the themes and templates to make a more informed choice.

The layouts can be chosen in a vertical format or a horizontal one like most blogs are. You can also choose the logo placement, the fonts, the shades, and other elements to personalize the blog for you.

Whatever you finalize, keep in mind that your blog will also need to be optimized for a mobile device. Look for responsive themes designed to work well with desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Step 6: Add a Sign-up Form

Your audience subscribing to your newsletters will prove to be your most loyal readers. Rather than waiting a while for your blog to be established, add in a sign-up right from the start that your readers can subscribe to once they land on your blog site.

This can be a great way to keep your audience updated about your latest outdoor gear reviews, how-to posts, and adventure plans – and an email list helps you keep in touch with them for the purposes of monetization as well.

Step 7: Conduct Thorough Keyword Research

A foolproof way to make your content reach a wide audience is to optimize it using the most relevant and trending keywords. A thorough keyword search using SEO tools can help you find the most searched keywords and incorporate them in your blog posts.

By creating a list of the most ranked keywords, you will be well on your way to creating an SEO-friendly blog site. The more keywords you use, the higher your chances of ranking better on a Google search.

Step 8: Write Relevant Content

No matter how visually attractive you make your website and blog posts seem, irrelevant or thin content can quickly turn off your audience and cause them to tune out. Be sure to make the content as relevant as you can. Use a catchy introduction to draw your readers in within the first few seconds and stay strong to keep their attention from wandering.

Understanding the do’s and don’ts when creating content for your site can help you avoid commonly made mistakes and start each post strong. Make use of as many relevant keywords as you can within your blog to improve your overall ranking in the search results.

Step 9: Keep on Researching

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No matter how much research you conduct and how many blogs you write, there is always room for more. Once you have exhausted your existing research, begin again. Keep on searching for newer ideas. Don’t give readers the same data or information that others do in your outdoor niche.

The key is to find newer ways to be more innovative. Play with titles. Make use of tools that allow you to find out the most frequently asked queries and use your blogs as a way to answer them. Whatever you do, keep your website SEO-friendly.

Step 10: Incorporate Current Outdoor Trends

People love looking up articles that talk about the most current trends. Taking advantage of this is called tentpole marketing – capitalizing on the latest buzz to get new readers. As an outdoor blogger, you may notice trends within your niche, such as a hot new travel destination that everyone is talking about. Or you might just notice that a new movie has gotten everyone talking, and you can put a spin on that topic and still relate it to your niche. 

And if there is any way you can talk about a product review while writing about a trend and earn some affiliate commissions, you’ve hit the jackpot!

However, this is easier said than done. More than likely, the trends could be far from the niche your website focuses on. In times like these, you can always start by building it up as a story or mention it in passing. Having the keywords linking the blog post to the trend can give you most of your views and reads.

Step 11: Monetize the Outdoor Blog

There are a number of ways to monetize your outdoor blog and earn a stable income through it. From running display ads to being an affiliate marketer, there are plenty of opportunities for you to make money blogging. Once you see higher traffic on your website, it is time to start profiting!

Now that you know how to start your own blog, read on, as we go into more detail about monetization in the next section.

What is the Best Way to Start a Free Blog?

If your reasons for not starting a blog until now have been a lack of funds, don’t worry about paying for it. A number of sites like WordPress and Wix allow you to start your outdoor blog without having to shell out a single cent.

Rather than taking people’s word as the law, research the best platforms that offer a free blog for you to use. This way, you make a more informed choice and can compare the many features that every website offers, including the positives and the negatives of each, and choose one that’s the best fit.

There are plenty of free themes for you to choose from!

How to Make Money Through Your Outdoor Blog?

fan of 100 U.S. dollar banknotes

The biggest reason for most people to start blogging is to earn an additional income. If you’re wondering how you can make money through blogs, we have a few methods for you.

Affiliate Marketing

In the last few decades, the affiliate marketing model has become a huge success! Many have opted to partner with Amazon affiliates and other such marketing programs that offer benefits. It is easy to not only become an affiliate marketer but also to earn as one.

For an outdoor blogger, affiliate marketing is perhaps the best money-making opportunity available to you, especially early on. With the number of products and services you can talk about in your blog posts, there’s a good chance you can get your audience to make a purchase and earn an affiliate commission.

Ho do you do it? Become an affiliate with brands that are more popular among your readers, or that you understand how to sell well. Keeping your niche in mind, choose brands with the best quality gear and equipment for outdoor adventures.

With the amount of money affiliate marketers make on an average, you may not need to worry about other monetization options.

Display Ads

Another way to earn money through your blog is through display ads. Since these are usually pay-per-click, they may not always pay as well as affiliate marketing. However, these are a great place to start if your website has just recently started picking up more traffic.

Display ads are the simplest among all methods to make money by blogging. Simply set them up on your site and collect the rewards.

Sale of Products

Selling products is second-nature to an affiliate marketer or an expert blogger. These products can be digital or physical, based on the nature of the product and the niche you have chosen.

Among digital products, ebooks and online courses are widely sought-after by people looking for more expert methods or hacks to an outdoor adventure. You can mention skills that are otherwise difficult to learn, and share your unique experiences and the methods that best worked for you to get you out of a bind during your adventures.

Selling physical products is another way to earn money through your blog. You could sell brand merchandise – like a baseball cap with your brand logo – or try dropshipping outdoor gear under your brand.

Dropshipping allows you to get your audience interested in a product without you having to manufacture, own, or purchase it. You simply have to create a demand for the product and let the manufacturer know the requirement. The manufacturer, in turn, manages fulfillment, including the shipping and delivery of products to your audience.

Apart from dropshipping, you can also opt for self-fulfilled sales where you purchase the products from the manufacturer, store them, create the demand for the product among your audience, and, eventually, ship and deliver it to buyers.

The self-fulfilled sales method can prove to be a risk if you purchase a large number of items but are unable to generate a demand for it among your audience. However, if done right, the profits can be more substantial compared to dropshipping.

Offering Services

Among the many ways to make money through your blog is to offer a service that your audience needs. This could be hosting a webinar or a seminar to offer camping hacks, packing tips for a cold adventure, being ready for international customs… Whatever you know your audience is interested in, you can help them – for a small price, of course!

Because you’re an expert, your audience is more likely to rely on you for such advice or other services that they may not find elsewhere. Find out what your audience is looking for and then find a creative way to offer the solution through a one-of-a-kind service that your blog offers.

Depending on your audience and the niche you choose, you can find the best money-making mode for you through your blog for better returns.

How to Make Your Outdoor Blog Successful

For every blogger, the greatest challenge is making the blog successful. No matter how many readers you have, you will always yearn for more.

With the changing times, the tactics to make a blog site successful also change. Unlike earlier where everyone blogged about everything with the least focus on quality, there is much more than readers now consider in order to commit themselves to a particular website for information.

However, keeping these below-mentioned pointers in mind can help you stay afloat.

Be Resourceful

Who would you rely on to know more about gemstones? A geologist or a fancy trinket collector? The answer is plain to see, isn’t it?

When people look for information on Google, they are more likely to rely on experts rather then people trying to share their own unfounded opinions. Whenever you curate a blog, be resourceful by making the content relevant and to the point. Stick to your specific topic or niche to help your readers identify you as a person who knows what they’re talking about.

Rely on Analytics

Data is king when you blog as an affiliate marketer. Identifying where most of your traffic comes from is a vital part of blogging. By keeping an eye on the analysis, you can alter your blog tonality to suit your readers and improve your output significantly.

You will also be able to identify when your blog performs better and what topics you should steer clear from.

Optimize the Blog for Mobile Phones

Mobiles have become the go-to device for every web search conducted. Rather than switching on computers and laptops, a quick search on the mobile is a faster way for many people to get the information they need.

The key to making your website a success is to make it available and easy to navigate on a mobile phone. Keeping in mind the level of patience people now have, with faster internet, you are likely to lose a reader is your site takes too long to load.

Make it a priority to rank high in the mobile-first indexing by identifying all the problems your website faces while being opened on a mobile device and counter these issues at the earliest. Check how your blog site looks on a mobile phone when choosing the theme for the website.

Instead of waiting until later, be sure to check the mobile interface and the speed before you launch the site.

Make the Content Comprehensive

It is common knowledge that people tend to give blog posts a quick glance and read the sub-pointers to get the gist of the article. When the headers are made comprehensible, readers will be more interested to read what’s within. Statements that are difficult to understand are often skipped for an easier read.

Be sure to keep every title, header, and copy easy to read, SEO-friendly, and in pointers rather than a verbose essay.

Add Pictures to Accompany the Blog

woman enjoying outdoors

For each product that you review or refer to in your blog post, make sure you add pictures too. For many, accompanying visuals serve as an assurance to believe in what is being said. So, when you talk about hiking gear, add in pictures of the gear to help the audience know exactly what you are talking about.

Make the blog as real as can be, adding personal touches to it. Instead of a third-person point of view, speak directly to your audience. And try to use custom images instead of stock photos whenever possible.

Promote the Blogs on Social Media

Let’s face it, social media has become the new norm for everything, whether it is recommendations, the news, or product details. So, why shy away from what’s in when you can leverage it?

We have already covered setting up your brand’s social media pages. Now it’s time to use them. Apart from posting pictures of your travels and adventures, promote your blog posts on social media by adding a little excerpt to attract your audience.

Be as active as you can without spamming. Maintain a strict ratio of the type of posts you intend to upload.

You are also more likely to attract negative comments on social media compared to your blog site. Be prepared to deal with as patiently and politely as you can.

Balance the Ratio of Your Content Bucket

A good mix of content will keep up the expectations and the eagerness of your audience for your next blog. If you have posted a blog stating expert tips on hiking, make sure your next blog is not a blog offering tips.

You can plan out an entire bucket of content that can include instructional posts, tips, videos, reviews, image-heavy blogs that narrate the story solely through images, and more.

Shuffle up the buckets in a way that no two blogs of the same content bucket repeat consecutively. The more diverse your content, the more your audience would want to read them.

Interlink One Blog with Other Related Blogs

Getting someone to stay on your website is more difficult than having them land on it by clicking a link. While an interesting read is one way to make them stay, another is to interlink your blog with other relevant blogs.

If your blog is about a camping trip you recently took, make sure you find a way to link it with other camping related blogs that you have written in the past. It could be a list of tips that first-time campers could consider or a bunch of must-have camping gear.

Engage with Your Audience

Leave the comments section open for your audience to connect with you or send across their feedback and suggestions. By hearing them out and responding to them, you will be able to create a bond with your readers and gain a loyal audience in the long run.

Keep them engaged by leaving open-ended responses that others could reply to. This way, there is always some traction on your previously posted blogs while you start new conversations on the more recent ones.

Post Videos

Although posting videos is not a new concept, YouTube has seen a drastic change in the kind of content people now choose to view. Creating a good video will not require a high-end camera. You can simply plan a script and start shooting using your smartphone.

When producing video for an outdoor blog, you can find a million things to capture, from the beauty of nature to the stillness of the night sky. And if you wish to stick to more instructional content, you can even post a video of how to set up a camping tent or tie a strong knot, on location in the woods!

You can also make short snippets that act as teasers to an upcoming seminar you wish to host about living in the outdoors, giving your audience something more to look forward to.

Make sure your content is unique and pleasing to the audience and try to point them back to your blog to grow your traffic there.

Guest Post Often

If you’re having trouble getting people to visit your website, consider guest blogging as often as you can. Conduct research to find out all of the websites that feature guest bloggers and that are the most relevant for your chosen niche. Don’t be too selective. Send out an email to as many website owners as you can.

Once you get responses, submit articles that are the most relevant and detailed. Make sure content is as relatable and helpful to the readers as possible, giving information that they are not likely to find elsewhere.

if you’re unsure of how to go about it, here’s a guest posting 101 guide to help you out!

While these are just a few ideas to make your blog site more successful, you can make use of the analytical data you recover on a monthly basis to experiment with the kind of posts you can and should do. With a trial and error route, you are more likely to find out what works specifically for your blog.

Common mistakes to avoid as an outdoor blogger

A lot of people choose to blog as a career. And it does seem like an easy job. However, there are more ways to do things wrong as a blogger than t0 d0 things right.

Learning the mistakes most commonly made is as important as knowing how to blog. We’ve listed some of the most common mistakes that you must avoid while starting your blog website.

Starting Without a Strategy

two people drawing on whiteboard

Before you start thinking about launching your outdoor website, you need a full-fledged strategy to make it work. Starting without the right strategy in mind that is aligned to your brand objectives is the greatest mistake that new bloggers make.

You could be writing in a tone that is exactly the opposite of what your target audience may relate to. You can also offend your audience if you don’t understand who they are and what they really care about.

Find out your audience:

  • Their demographics
  • Their interests
  • The way they speak or communicate
  • The tone that resonates with them
  • Their cultural background

These should all be a part of your homework before any other step you take. There are several tools available to help you discover the right audience and their preferences.

All of these points can help you write blogs that speak directly to them.

While you may not appeal to all the people you wish to target, finding out a larger part of your audience can be a significant help.

Cluttering the Website

We know you want to add as much detail as possible. However, choosing a theme that allows you to add in too many pictures while simultaneously accommodating the title can only lead to clutter. With too many things happening at once, your audience is bound to lose interest and move over to another blog. Most importantly, don’t spam display ads and affiliate links all over your site – that’s not only tacky, but Google will not rank you.

Make sure your blog is as visually appealing and decluttered as possible, keeping it simple and easy to maneuver through.

Not Having an Email List

developing email list for your outdoor blog

Newsletters and email marketing have become one of the best ways to reach out to an audience. While some may consider having an email list a luxury, it is anything but. Statistics show newsletters have better engagement with your website than social media promotions.

By sending regular email blasts to your audience, you will get your loyal subscribers to interact with your blog posts and share them on their social media profiles, increasing reach.

Rather than waiting for your website to become more popular first, start building your email list from day one. Choose a theme and plugin that allows you to have opt-in forms that collect email addresses in exchange for a free course or ebook to download.

Being Infrequent

The moment you stop posting on WordPress or any other website that you are posting your blogs on, your traffic is bound to drop. Posting randomly can severely affect your website traffic. Plan out a schedule that is detailed and covers what must be posted on which day so that you have a set frequency.

Write as regularly as you can. If you are prone to suffering from writer’s block every now and then, make sure you compensate by writing a few additional blogs when you can that can be posted in a pinch. You should also keep in mind that posting an extremely long blog is not always necessary, even if it seems like the norm. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. 

If you’re unable to write much, maybe just post about a memorable instance from one of your many adventures. Consistency is good all around: for you, for your audience, and for the search engine algorithms.

Writing for Yourself

This is one mistake most bloggers make. For many, the idea behind starting the blog is to pen their experiences. However, if your intent is to earn money using your blog, you’re going about it the wrong way by having it be all about you. The blogs you write should be more focused on what your audience wishes to read.

Instead of writing about things that please you, look up what already interests your readers and come up with topics based on your analysis. Think of the goal of your brand rather than serving an individual purpose.

Overwhelming Readers With Information About You

Yes, the blogs you post are accounts of your adventures and journeys. However, this is not a passport to talk about your daily routines and struggles. Giving out too much information about yourself will do the opposite of creating a connection with the audience. It can simply make your audience feel put off by your need to self-indulge and look for other bloggers that give out information more relevant to them.

While you narrate your story, make sure you keep it interesting and only give out information that will add value to their lives and journeys.

Being Technical

aerial view of green and brown land

Writing formally is a strict no-no if you want your blogs to resonate with your audience. Write as if you are talking to your audience in person, like a close friend. Keep things as simple as you can. Avoid jargon at all costs and use simple words. Don’t be afraid to break out the slang sometimes. Just keep in mind the audience you are catering to while choosing the kind of words you use.

Jot down all the popular terms most relatable to your audience to get your thoughts across to your audience in the right tone. Be liberal in your choice of words and keep the content as conversational as you can. You may even watch videos posted by people who enjoy the outdoors to get the gist of how they communicate with their audience.

Keeping It Boring

While citing facts and creating valuable content is necessary, you don’t need to make your blog boring. Adding a bit of your personality, whether by subtly mentioning a funny instance that most people go through or by adding some humor to the blog, can do the trick.

Break the ice through your blog to allow your audience to be more comfortable approaching you.

Sticking to What You Know

One thing we all learn as we grow older is that there is no stop to learning. This also implies to your skills as a writer. Look for ways to make your writing persuasive and appealing. Read up on copywriting skills that combat the low attention span of readers by striking their psychology triggers.

Read up on blogs by your competitors to see what strikes a chord with the outdoor audience. Never settle for what you already know. Find ways to make your content more appealing by improving your knowledge of the topic, your writing skills, your design skills, and more.

From the blog title and the headline to paragraphs you write in a post, make every word count.

Not Using Relevant Data to Back Claims

performance analytics for blog

Every claim you make that has been proven through studies should have the necessary statistics or data to back what you say. So, if you’re talking about the number of people in the US who prefer camping over a beach holiday and have the statistics to go with it, make sure you mention it in your content to give your readers substantial proof. After all, it will help serve your purpose by making them interested in the review that follows the claim.

So, instead of just making a statement, pair it with the right numbers to make your point.

Parting Thoughts

While we’ve listed out the steps to start your outdoor blog and the mistakes you should avoid, sustaining a successful blog requires real effort. Finding out newer ways to scale your niche site can help keep your blog site relevant to your audience at all times.

Experimenting with the site and keeping track of analytics can help you identify the right methods to go about increasing your website traffic in the long run.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

We hope this ultimate guide to starting an outdoor blog has helped you work toward your goal. If you want any help on your affiliate marketing and blogging journey, BrandBuilders offers expert coaching, tools, and services. Feel free to get in touch!

We are pleased to offer you a 30-minute coaching call. Book the call now and let’s explore how BrandBuilders can help you grow your outdoor blog – or check out one of our premade sites. We always have new outdoor blogs for sale if you want to hit the ground running, starting today!