- info-circleBrand Builders will complete client’s validation report within 12 business days of receipt of product specification form.
- info-circleThe validation report is written based on the information provided by the client in the product specification form. The client is responsible for identifying all necessary specifications required to fulfill the validation report. In the event specifications are missing, Brand Builders will estimate what is necessary to fill in the missing information.
- info-circleAll specifications provided are considered to be final and complete 24 hours after Brand Builders’ receipt of the product specification form and are not subject to change.
- info-circleWe will only validate the product information provided. In the event a product must be custom manufactured, validation will include estimated tooling and manufacturing costs.
- info-circleAll submitted validation reports to the clients are considered final. The report contains only the cost estimates from the minimum to the maximum prices, shipping fees, and all included expenses to validate a product. The list of suppliers will be available in the sourcing stage (see Complete Sourcing service) and is not part of the Product Validation service.