Affiliate marketing can be a great way to earn some passive income from your website. All you really have to do is sign up for an affiliate program, promote their products on your site, and then sit back and relax as you watch the money roll into your bank account. Right?
Well, it’s not quite that simple. In order to actually make a decent amount of money, you not only need to be choosing the right affiliate products for your target audience, but you also need to ensure that you’re earning a good commission for each click or sale. With so many different affiliate programs out there, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which one offers the best products and commissions for your particular niche.
In order to help you out, we’ve compiled a list of the some of the highest paying affiliate programs for some of the most popular niches. So, what are you waiting for? Read on to find the one that’s for you and start making some money!
High Paying Web Hosting Affiliate Program: Bluehost
Arguably, web hosting programs offer some of the best affiliate commissions out there, and Bluehost is the perfect example. Just promote Bluehost by using their custom banners and links on your site and receive $65 for each visitor who uses your link to sign up.
Bluehost’s affiliate program also offers some other great benefits. It’s free to join, they offer reliable tracking for referrals, they have a dedicated team to help you out, and there is an unlimited earning potential. If you think your target audience has web hosting needs, then you should definitely sign up with Bluehost’s affiliate program!
High Paying Ecommerce Affiliate Program: Shopify
Shopify is a big name in the world of ecommerce, and this may be partly due to their top-notch affiliate program. The exact amount of commission you can earn depends on the subscription plan that your visitor signs up for through your affiliate link, but you’ll get 100% commission after each of their first and second payments.
Some other benefits include the fact that it’s free to sign up, and, since Shopify is so well-known, you’ll likely be able to experience fairly stable conversion rates.
High Paying Email Marketing Affiliate Program: GetResponse
If you think that your audience would respond to email marketing services, then check out the affiliate programs offered by GetResponse. For their affiliate recurring program, they offer a 33% recurring commission on each of their plans, meaning you can earn that every month as long as your referral continues to use their services. This is a pretty good deal, considering you can earn up to $400 in commission per sale if your referral signs up for their Enterprise plan.
Alternatively, if you want to sign up for their affiliate bounty program, you will receive a one-time payment of $100 for every referral that results in a sale, which is still a pretty good deal. Choose whichever option works best for you – it’s free either way.